4 Simple Diet Tips

1. Make half of your dessert a handful of almonds.  

2.  20 minutes before a meal, eat 10 almonds or dip half a slice of bread in olive oil.  Both of these options will help you to feel somewhat full by the time you sit down for a meal.

3.  Plan how much you're going to eat, especially for things like chips and cookies.  If you find yourself longing for just one more Oreo, allow yourself to have one, but only after you wait 5 minutes.  This one is inspired by Nir Eyal, author of Irresistible.  Telling yourself 'no more Oreos!"  is almost cruel.  Worse still, it is bound to backfire much of the time.  Don't turn your Oreos into forbidden fruit.  We all know how that parable turned out.  

Instead, all yourself as many more Oreos as your heart desires...only AFTER 5 minutes.  Chances are, when minute 5 comes rolling around, that extra Oreo that seemed to hold the key to momentary bliss will seem a lot less attractive.  Waiting 5 minutes allows your mind to catch up with your stomach and feel full.

4.  Go for a 15 minute walk after each meal.  Certainly, not everyone has time in their busy schedule for this one, but even a few minutes of movement after a meal can work wonders to improve your digestion and prevent weight gain.